
Open Studio: museum of silence, a visual essay on intergenerational silence between women

Published on 10 June 2024

This week I had an open studio where I exhibited the tactile engagement I have been toiling with past few weeks here. I saw the Museum of Silence, that so far existed in a word document and inside the walls of my studio, now exhibited to the world. 

Gracefully hung in the open studio of Villa Strauli, Winterthur, it did gather audience of patrons, academics, art lovers, art practitioners, photographers, and just kind and curious people who did want to see how a South Asian artist on residency interrogate silence through the lens of materiality.

I had many conversations, I heard many murmurs in other languages, the gathering was lovely despite the rains. My humble thought had, after all, many listeners and watchers. This was my humble attempt at giving the long form, wordy research, a colorful, visual, tactile, textured emotiveness. An intersection between visual art and research, if you may.



About Author

Isha Yadav is currently a doctoral student at Ambedkar University Delhi. Her research area lies in participatory feminist art practices. She's also the first Indian to receive the Linda Stein Upstander Artist Award, 2021, with which she created a Museum of Rape Threats and Sexism in 2022. There's a documentary film made about her pursuit. Isha writes for several publications and has previously taught at University of Delhi. She is interested in socially engaged art, excavating delicate narratives and culture praxis. 

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