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September 2024 Issue 31 View Index     Buy Now

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A Life in Art

From the Intersection of Arts, Education and Philanthropy

Acts of Sharing Art

Philanthropy: Every Idea is a Seed in Time

Conservation of India’s Glorious Cultural Heritage

Of Lineage and Art Philanthropy

Taking a Legacy Forward: The Baroda Model

Collection and Consumption of Arts

Art Institutions, Creative Collaboration and Philanthropy

Building Art into the Everyday

Philanthropy in the Art Market

Indian Textile through the lens of Private Patronage and Philanthropy

Philanthropy in the Arts In India: A Personal Experience

Contending for Sustained Philanthropy with the case of Art Ichol

Indian Photography and Philanthropy

Where Nature and Nurture Conjoin

A Collector’s Eye (and Mind): Exploring the influence of Chester and Davida Herwitz in the making of Modern Indian Art

Artist Residencies: The Purest Form of Philanthropy

20 years of 1Shanthiroad

Pratul Dash Creates an Archaeology of the Land and the Mind

Down Memory Lane

The Body Continues

Riding a Caravan

A Peek into Krishna Reddy’s World: Of Friendships and an Early Celebration of the Master Artist’s Centenary in 2025

The Propitious Garden of Rekha Rodwittiya

The Rebel and the Recluse: Gobardhan Ash (1929-1969)

Fragmented Humanity: Arindam Chatterjee’s Grotesque Mirror to Our Times

A Primordial Roar

Weaving Imperialism and Divinity: Mughal Carpets and Painting Exhibition in the Cleveland Museum

Restless Line in the Art of Seema Kohli

Citizen Gallery: The Gandhys of Chemould and the Birth of Modern Art in Bombay

Kolkata City Lab: City as an Archive Open to the Field of Experiments

Serendipity Arts Festival: Through the Lens of Visual Arts

Carrying Silences and Serendipity: Art Writer’s Lens on the Residency

The Act of Giving

A. Ramachandran

Shaheen Merali