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March 2017 Issue 20

Subaltern knowledge systems are already inherited by us through the extension of local, indigenous, folk and tribal beliefs and practices in the contemporary — significant among them concepts such as the ‘tree of life’ that cuts across cultural imaginaries and geo-temporalities. The mythologies such as those surrounding the benign Kalpavrikshas (wish-fulfilling trees)or Kamdhenus (wish-fulfilling fauna) serve to condition our worldview to a symbiotic understanding of the planetary holarchy by embodying the non-human with agency and desire, moving away from human exceptionalism and individualism. In this sense, myths can be thought of as accumulated repositories of prophetic wisdom that traverse through temporalities to make themselves available in the service of a future event as opposed to utopias which conjure up multiple worldings of a future-event, providing orientating devices and access key to the knowledge of the myth.

The current issue of TAKE proposes a careful examination of the myth-lore and utopias with the view to excavate disused frames and imaginative designs that would help us build a metaphorical ark preparatory for the times of ecological turbulence that lies ahead. This has translated into an anthology of experimental/ utopian writings seeking to revise and ethicise the existing relational configuration between the human and the more-than-human with a specific focus on the ‘botanies of desire’ and dietetics.

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TAKE Ecology: Editor’s Note

The Body of the Crime

Future Imaginaries for when the World Feels like Heartbreak

Creative Ecologies

A Withdrawing Vital Material

Would the Peepal Marry?

Non-Anthropocentric Metaphors of Civilisation

Three Traces of Nature and Self

Food in the Metabolic Era : The Death of the Experiment

Compost, Metabolism and Semi-living Animal Proteins

Autogastronomy: Your Body is a Restaurant

How Clean is Dirty and Dirty Clean?

Aesth-ethics: Towards Blending Ecology, Justice, and Art

The Ontology of the Circle Speak

Aerocene: a Quasi-feasible Utopia

Three Theses on the Sublime

We would not Call Ourselves Trilobite

A Good Harvest

Artist as the Witness and Art as Evidence in the 'Last Political Scene'

India Art Fair 2017


Requiem for the Apocalypse

The Mythology of Choice


Object Lessons

Trans-subjectivity of Jalāl and Jamāl

A City of Cities

Regarding Embodiment

Of Articulations, Anticipations, Propositions and Processes: Inquiries on the Contemporary

Illusions of a Bewildering Reality

Queering the Landscape

Tranquility of Antithesis

The Medium and the Message: Unbinding the Book

Conversation with the Community

Fly on the Wall #19

Shaheen Merali